For a whole year and more, I'm pretty sure I irritated a load of people when I wouldn't shut up about me not having a gf, and how it was driving me to despair that everyone I knew was easily finding people and I was alone.
Then on Singles Awareness Day last year, I decided to change my focus. I said to myself "forget this, you don't need someone at all. You're fine being on your own". Sure enough, less than three motnhs later I ended up getting my first girlfriend.
Now you've probably already seen me mention this elsewhere, but that only lasted 2 days. And my other gf after that, only 8. Both turned to me after their last relationships were pretty much failures. So, in reality, I've never had someone who has ever cared for me. And I mean in the sense of gf, I know I have plenty of friends who look out for me.
But recently... my mindset has gone back into what it once was, and I don't know why. It's getting on my nerves because I know if I don't get stopped soon, I'll start making my friends annoyed. Theydon't deserve to hear me whine about something as pointless as this, but I'm stuck in the mindset again. I want out, because I know it's something stupid to complain about, but I'm slowly becoming consumed by it all. I need help, and fast. I don't want to become what I was before again.