I am a shy guy that may be Asperger's. My mom the other day said I should find, "A strong girl to take care of me" Gender-role reversal anyone? lol. Well while this goes against what is typical, frankly this would be ideal to me. Also I have found that the girls that have shown strong interests in me were almost always what one would call an "alpha-female". They were always very confident and friendly and outgoing. One girl who even flirted with me to the point where I was embarrassed (and incredibly aroused at the same time), is the most outgoing girl I have ever seen in my entire life. She was also incredibly hot. I am also going to try and go for her of course. Not to brag, but I have been told by many people that I am quite good-looking which helps a great deal. I also don't have any issues grooming. In fact I could qualify as a metro-sexual, because I always care very much about how I look and dress. (though I usually dress casually but well). So anyway what I'm saying is with my cards played right I could get that alpha-female that I've always dreamed of. If most people met me I am fairly sure I would not come off as very awkward maybe just a bit shy but basically mild-mannered. I have been described as an "every man" if that helps get a good idea of what I am like.