Honestly... Put your head back in the gutter. Don't be a creepy guy who can't talk about anything without a sexual hint, but don't be unwilling to check her butt out, or maybe drop a hint yourself! Make eye contact (horrible misnomer - look at her face... ), relax, smile (better to seem to happy to be with her, than uninterested). For conversation, ask her what her plans are for the evening, and for the weekend (just be ready for her to ask you the same... and if you're interested, say you're thinking about seeing the new movie/museum exhibit/etc., but don't have anyone to go with (while looking at her) )
And touch her at least once (it might be difficult, but it'll be great too, trust me). You can put your hand on her back or elbow as she goes through the door, or touch her hand on the table. Or as you get up to go the rest room, touch her shoulder saying you'll brb. Brush a stray hair of hers back in place, tuck her tag in (even if it already is), there's lots of ways to do it. But making physical contact is important!
CRACK, no need to read this next bit. Best you skip it.
tip: treat it as lunch.. honestly, one thing at a time.
You forget, today is the NT holiday called Valentine's Day. If she asked for lunch any other day, she really digs him. Today tho?? If he were NT, he'd already have planned where he's going to take her to dinner, thinking about what to do for breakfast, and asking on the forums which prophylactics are his best option. Also, who the heck has ever heard of making a lunch date 2 days in advance? Around here, it's "Hey [insert name], what's for lunch today?" I'd say his days of being a virgin are drawing to an end, unless he completely blows it.