Endless times I've dreamt of you and I,
Conceived every possible situation together,
The feelings I feel are not felt in return,
Hopefully things will one day get better,
I see your face in everything I do,
I dream things I know will never be true,
Yet still I suffer through this fragile dream,
I adore your body so beautiful and lean,
How can I make my hopes come true,
Hopes of loving and being with you,
The truth remains a mystery to me,
I only see things as I want them to be,
Oh so graceful Oh so young,
When I'm around her I want to melt,
I'm living through death longing for her touch,
Oh when will I break out of this bittersweet spell,
The more I write the more I feel,
The more I realize these feelings are real,
The more I feel hopelessness and despair,
In the confusing dark I whisper a prayer,
If only there existed some sort of way,
For her to love me in the same way,
Away she walks out of my sight,
I'll cry myself to sleep tonight,
For so many years I've longed for love,
But such a thing in this world is rare,
Send me this gift from the heavens above,
I'm cold, I'm lonely, I feel despair.