So just a few days ago, I discovered there was a name for the way I am, which is why I wound up here. From my slap-dash 'net research, I gather I have mild Asperger's Syndrome (it was more pronounced when I was a child, but I've trained myself out of some of the more not-so-socially acceptable behaviors). So I forwarded a few links and a couple of online tests to my boyfriend of 14 years (we've lived together for 10). And guess what? He's even more of an Aspie than me!
I should have figured - he's definitely uncomfortable in social situations, is empathy-challenged (as am I), would eat the same thing every day if he could, has really sensitive hearing and a load of other clues I could mention if I wasn't a little distracted at the moment.
This has also made some things clear to him about me, like my penchant for speaking too loudly sometimes (I'm "better" at this now - I used to be really bad when I was younger!). When I told him this was something that some Aspies did, he said, "Oh! I thought you were just showing off." Same thing with my use of multi-syllable words - I'm not showing off, it's just that sometimes they're the only words I can think of to use.
For me this is ideal - even though I don't think he really "gets" me in a lot of ways, he doesn't pry where I don't want him to, either. And there are things we have in common - ways of thinking or behaving - that make living with him easier than it might be with an NT.
Any other Aspies in a relationship with a fellow Aspie? Any thoughts?