daveybaby wrote:
All right, I tend to use the scientific method in my approach to socializing, so I recently reasoned out that I'm going to HAVE to start using an online dating service, (I use geek2geek.com, it makes the most sense to me out of any website). I am aware that there's a certain degree of etiquette when it comes to using the phone, (wait a couple days before calling back, etc.) but do such things apply to messaging back and forth on a dating website? I would assume things would move rather quickly. This one girl I was talking to (whom I don't have a picture of) stated she was uncomfortable with talking on the phone and said we should write back and forth as "pen-pals". I guess it is better to be friends first before dating, but I'd assume this would apply more to girls I had face to face contact with. I haven't seen a photo of her yet either. I think I need to start getting a little harsh, saying that at least going on AIM (which she's also afraid) is a necessity and warn her that eventually I do want to meet up and that I need to see a photo soon.
What's the hurry? It's not like you're buying a cow on the last day of a livestock sale. If the girl needs a while to get used to you, you'd better be prepared to give that time to her or move on. A good part of any kind of dating is allowing the other person the freedom to be themselves. If that means taking their time, that's what you'll have to do to be successful. If what someone looks like is going to be your determining factor as to your associating with them, then by all means ask for a photo up-front and advertise that it's a deal-breaker.