Mark wrote:
You *have* a level 3 social AI? Bows in awe!
lol. No I said version 3, more like as in "3 revisions and it's still not even half right" think of them more as like mile stones whenever i make a significant relisation about NT social behavior that was a new "version number" it was something one of my computer science class mates joked about, since they quickly twigged that the way i understood things had more in common with the machines we were learning to program than anything else. Ironically i still failed comp sci.
Mark wrote:
It may sound cynical, but I think that a sexual relationship is what you get if you cross a friendship with crack-cocaine.
Haha, right on this is exactly the model i use nowdays, or at least it's the one that just about always wins. Trying to model NT concepts of "love" proved to be completely futile.