I've been putting some thought into this myself lately, since the social norms of dinner and a movie are stupid. For literal togther dates, my best idea so far (for anyone that does not have Social Phobia) is a grocery store. First, you get your shopping done, whether it bombs or not
. But mostly, you can learn so much about a person from how they shop, from the type of grocery list they make to whether they shop for brand names or not... My other idea is a book store. Being a store, it seems more natural to me to move around, pull the books down, that sort of thing, than with a library. Libraries are too *shhh* and don't touch kind of feel.
But in today's society we put too much emphasis on meeting in person. I mean which would be better, going to some crowded noisy restaurant together, or putting your phone on speaker, and cooking the same meal together in the safety of your own kitchens, while talking to each other? Or sitting in a darkened packed room, with the noise up way to high, or sitting in on your own couch on the phone watching the same movie, like in When Harry Met Sally? There's also the internet. I have never heard of anyone going on a virtual date, unless they met in a game to begin with, but seems both people playing an immersive game like WoW together.... well, a pay-for game would be more expensive than a traditional date, but... Or it doesn't have to be a structured thing like a game, but just sitting on the phone while both browsing some website, like the Louve's website.
Last edited by roguetech on 01 Mar 2008, 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.