For LTRs, I think I'm only compatible with other aspies...

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 4 Mar 2016
Gender: Male
Posts: 57

02 Aug 2016, 8:10 pm

Unlike most people on the spectrum, I have no problem getting dates and actually do quite well as I'm quite fit and not awkward at all one on one. I even like different girls I go out with, and they like me, but it never lasts because I just don't feel like we're compatible. Like most people on the spectrum, I need a LOT of alone time and don't have the same social needs as neurotypicals, and the longer the relationship goes on, the more of a problem this becomes. Not only do I not need to be around people much, I actively dislike lots of socializing and don't like having many social events in my life. I don't even like listening to my partner talk a lot of the time because a lot of girls I've dated have basically just wanted to use me as a sounding board as they go on long monologues.

I also have a high IQ, and I find this to be a problem with a lot of people... In my experience, I am MUCH more comfortable around other aspies, and we just "get" each other.

I guess my purpose with this thread is just to hear from people on their thoughts and experiences dating ASD folks vs NTs. I know it will vary by person, but what have been your experiences? Is one generally better than the other. My only worry is that if I pair with a girl on the spectrum our kids will be super weird. That wouldn't bother me, but I worry that life would be difficult for them.
