MikeH106 wrote:
Why can't men and women simultaneously show interest in each other? Why does the man have to make the first move? Give me an honest, reasonable answer.
Because they are sheeple; they like to fantasize about gender equality or give it lip-service but they don't have the guts nor the brains to actually do something in that direction.
Women are pretty comfortable as things are and men who don't comply with this crap are called
cowards and
losers and because of that they don't get sex. . . nor love. How ironic!
There really isn't a reason. Those who support it are the kind of people that say "
things are the way they are and because I comply with them even though they are humiliting and unfair - either because I have no brains or no spine - then you should too".
The day I got flamed the most at a forum was when my ex and I made a thread about our relationship and how she made the first move and how all the Alpha Male talk had been proven to be crap. Loners said we just wanted to make them jealous and the typical love-doctors showed their true colors once more by calling her "b***h" and making threads for the sheer purpose of mocking us; she even received threatening pms and I lost all my "friends" from that forum. It was worth it.
That said, she wasn't even one in the many millions inhabitants in my country - she happened to be one person on the other side of the planet; so hard to find she had been. . .
So. . . extrapolating. . . I'll meet someone like her again in like. . . 20 more years - and people will be angry again as the mainstream way of going about this is crap and, at heart, they know it causes them a lot of pain.