Exactly why is it considered wrong, in your opinion?
It's considered wrong by other people because you are rocking the cradle, he was a baby when you were possibly a teen or something. They see him as a baby and you as a teen sorta thing. And women are supposed to be mature, more mature than men. Old men are still horny little boys, excusing them for going after young women. So it's taboo for a mature woman to go after a much more immature man.
A lot of people also consider it wrong to fall in love with a step-sibling who has no blood relation. They still look at them like brother and sister even though they do not share a parent and are not blood related. So it's taboo to marry a step-sibling because it has brother or sister in the title.
Quite a few people also believe it's wrong to mix cultures and races. It's not so taboo anymore though.
Their opinions don't matter though, there are people who have opposing opinions on all of the above issues. Each side is right for itself. If you have a problem with it, don't do it. If you don't have a problem with, and there's nothing inherently wrong with it, go for it.
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