PowerGirl wrote:
I've just been smothered by my last boyfriend. Not nice. If people seem to overcrowd you and you don't like it, GET AWAY!! !! Those people tend to be not nice. Also, watch out for the manipulators and people who hurt you with their words, otherwise known as emotional abuse. Not nice, people, not nice. Save yourselves from the misery, stress, fear, angery, depression, saddness, and all negative feelings it causes. -Power Girl
Or, ummm..., maybe say what it is you don't like
Sometimes, like with PowerGirl, they're actually being controlling, but it may be she was over-compensating from misunderstanding what is difficult for you or how difficult it may be (or without enough regard for your independence).
My gf sometimes offers to do things for me or let me off the hook from some not-entirely-pleasant thing (for instance going to the grocery store) from not knowing what circumstances may cause me anxiety, even when it doesn't really effect me. Her concern does make me uncomfortable when misplaced (like being patronized), but I think it's sweet she's concerned, and truelly appreciate it when her concern is justified.