SpaceCase wrote:
I know how you feel:I'm in love with my male friend and one of my female best friends.
I swear SpaceCase, your love life in the last 3-6 months has more flair, controversy and people involved that my whole so-called love life.
I'm oh so jealous of you!
And for you Aaron, I can't suggest much, except maybe writing down what you can about your likes and dislikes of each girl. I find it hard to toss around the up's and down's of two objects in comparison (I'm not referring specifically to women there, but all things in general), unless it's either on paper or in an Excel spreadsheet (for number based comparisons only).
That might help you organise the thoughts in your head and make your decision easier...
Best of luck with it!
My type of joke... 'Three guys walk into a bar. One of them is a wee bit stupid, and the whole scene unfolds with a tedious inevitibility.'