dsfargeg wrote:
Any ideas on how to handle it?
Just chalk it up to experience and learn from it. Not every girl is gonna like you. There will be many out there who will, and many out there who won't, and the rest just don't know what they want.
At least she rejected you up front and it ended right there. It sucks for a day or two, maybe a week, but it's better than being led through a string of uncertainty, doubt, anxiety, waiting by the phone for her to call, etc.
Upfront rejection is a lot better than round about rejection. Here's what I mean:
Boy: Would you like to go out with me sometime?
Girl (smiling): Sure, here's my phone number...222-4444. Call me!
***boy dials number***
Girl: uhh...sorry, I can't talk right now, I'll call you back in an hour.
**1 hr later**
**2 hrs later**
**2 days later**
no call back.
And that's not even the worst scenario of rejection!
I've had girls send me signals and cues, that would BLATANTLY signify attraction, and then string me along for weeks, messing with my head, only to drop my ass off gradually! Now if that's not a waste of time and energy, I don't know what is.
Up front rejection is the best kind of rejection ever! Get the pain over with now, so you don't have to deal with it later.
lol...and give your liver a rest.