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12 Apr 2008, 1:56 pm

I am 17 years old and a high school junior. There's this girl I like. Her name is B (I don't want to say her real name). She and I go share Skill Development class together. I later learned that she wasn't going to the same college as me. What should I do?


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12 Apr 2008, 1:58 pm

Have you talked to her at all? Cos if you haven't I would try to build some type of relationship with her and then ask for her contact info so you guys can keep in touch

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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15 Apr 2008, 1:15 am

Positive answer: Talk to her. If that is difficult, try a facebook message -- or some other internet communication. Chances are at the very least you can strike up some sort of a 'hey how are you doing every two months' friendship and possibly hang out when both home from school. This is not a sexual relationship though, but it puts your foot in the door for the future.

Negative answer: Don't bother thinking about it, girls are poison.

No offense or anything <3


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15 Apr 2008, 1:48 am

You have a whole year left, right? It won't be bad if you start a relationship of any sort (less likely maybe, depending on her views). Sometimes people start relationships (friendly or sexual) knowing that they won't last forever. You only live once.