D1nk0 wrote:
zee wrote:
jkrane wrote:
Some girls just want to be abused. That's a fact of life. Most girls don't.
I don't know if "want" is the right word here. Some women are born into abusive households and have no sense of self-worth, which is why they will tolerate abuse, it's what they're used to.
As a side note, I've noticed that guys who call themselves "bad boys" are invariably mama's boys. I noticed this when I started watching Blind Date, which is a real-life show, but I can also see examples in people I know.
What really irritates me about your comments regarding women is that you try as hard as you can to depict women as being "mysterious" and unpredictable when the overwhelming evidence points to the contrary. Women ARE just as predictable as men. So even if Bad Boys are "invariably mama's boys" plenty of women still want 'em
. Also, reality TV shows like Blind Date are highly questionable in terms of how people behave in REAL LIFE when they're not on camera. How can you tell that the whole thing isnt staged?
Why completely change what you say instead of just posting again? That's what I get for not quoting you...
I don't try
at all to depict women as anything. That's your depictive processes working there, pal. But I ask you this, if women are so predicable, then why don't all the desperate guys on here (who are always saying they want a girlfriend) have girlfriends?
Yeah, some women will say that they like 'bad boys', and it's true that guys who march to their own beat are attractive, as that's a form of confidence. But slapping a label on yourself is not only lame, but it usually indicates that you're trying to be something you're not, ie covering up your insecurities. Thus self-professed bad-boys are usually anything but.