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26 Apr 2008, 8:38 am

Theres this girl i know that is actually quite a complicated person to me... She's always nice to me even when im being mean or anti-social. I dont know why but aparently... she's like... really badly behaved at home and always causing trouble, so yeah, she always says hi and how are you every time she see's me, and asks me what im doing etc. does she... fancy me? and also, if she does would it be right to date her, shes kind of my sisters best friends little sister... she always comes round. she's kinda nice but as i say her mom thinks she's really badly behaved. as do most in her family. would it still be right to date her? so confused.



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26 Apr 2008, 9:13 am

heck yes...if she turns out to be crazy, or pressuring you do bad things you break it off.
However many girls have a less than perfect homelife, that doesnt make them bad people.


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26 Apr 2008, 10:22 am

do you want more trouble in your life? fuhgeddaboudit

BUT, why do her family say she is bad?

One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.


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26 Apr 2008, 10:36 am

i dont know, i hear she's been lying alot, and aparently "glorifying her fathers death". but she seems really nice. i think my main question is does she fancy me?



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26 Apr 2008, 10:43 am

If I know the type, or if there is a type, I would advise against it. There was this girl I knew who was always nice to me but who had a reputation for being kind of unstable, and she turned out to be a manipulative slut, got my friend to spend thousands of dollars on her and dumped him.

The lying is never a good sign... don't go out with someone you know you can't trust.


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26 Apr 2008, 2:21 pm

i dont think she can be that manipulative and evil can she? after all, her and i are both only 14... at this age i dont think she even cares for money XD



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29 Apr 2008, 1:59 am

maybe she has issues with her family, that is why she acts the way she does around them. if she is nice to you, i am thinking she probably likes you or is attracted to you in some way. try to be friendly like what you said she seems to accept your anti social stuff, there's no harm in delving further a bit.

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29 Apr 2008, 11:54 am

Trust me when I say this: look for women with as little baggage as possible.

When you're young, you may not care because you're driven by your hormones. But as time goes by, you'll realize that it wasn't worth it. You'll look back upon this incident with "What the h*ll was I thinking?"

You want to simplify your life, not complicate it.


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29 Apr 2008, 12:09 pm

coregazer wrote: confused.

so I take it you've never seen a woman before? xD confusion is typical when dealing with that entity. :D

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