Countless of theories I made in my mind trying to figure out the main reason why girls are not attracted to me after years of failure in the relationship world. We humans usually tend to overthink about our relations and attraction but sometimes the answer is much simpler and much closer than we think it is, sometimes these theories ,such as the height theory and the confidence theory, that we create in mind or we read somewhere distract us from the very simple truth .
I remember that I posted a similar thread long time ago about how people perceive me so young but this time it will be from another perspective.
Before yesterday , 1 of my female coworkers ,which is a new employee, asked me for my age during a conversation and when I truthfully answered , she commented that she thought that I was 16-17 , the other coworker girl said that she even thought that I was about 15 when she first saw me.
Ironically, the day after I met a business partner for the first time face to face (it was only by phone and emails) , she was shocked and she never imagined that I am the one who she's supposed to meet as she commented that I look far way younger than she thought ,note that I was wearing a suit. This was not the first time that such incident happened to me .
I recall another incident few weeks ago with a young trainee guy of 17 yo, when he knew that I will be his trainer he told me: " I really respect you for getting this position at my age" =/
Countless of shocks I caused because of this and strangers usually talk to me as if they are talking to a teen , there's no need to bore you with more incidents since you can get the main picture of what I am trying to picture.
Finally, I know the main reason now of my romance unattractiveness : I don't look like an adult. How stupid I was expecting to attract any adult girl when I look like her little brother. Surely a girl won't feel attracted to that at all and I totally understand that when I imagine to be in her situation.
Let's face it , first impression is the main gate in the mating field. If you project a negative first impression = you're screwed before even trying , if you project a good first impression = you might have a chance. My extremely younger looks are always projecting a negative first impression , teen looks might not be a negative itself and can be even a bless but since we are talking about dating here and since teen looks are a big turn off among adult girls (aka women) then it's a very negative thing for this subject.
I stand 5'4'' (163 cm) and I do have a babyface, in some stage I thought that my height is the main reason , surely short height doesn't help at all in the dating realm since almost all girls prefer tall guys but some short guys I know succeeded so i can't be the only reason. What I even noticed that short guys but with very adult manly looks (and with large type of bones) have no problem to attract girls except those who are taller than them. So the problem is surely in my overall young looks and not just my small stature.
The bad news about this truth: It's hard to change it , it's not easy to change my height , my skeleton type and my face . As a guy ,I can't do much about it since I can't use makeup
The good new about this : I know the reason now so I can know where to start to change my impression, (working out more regularly , more adult dressing ...etc) not much ideas in my head right now but I am sure that I ll find out more ideas. At least I know my direction now to raise my chance.
PS: Please refrain the "this will be a bless for you when you get older"-comment , I am an ambitious guy and I surely think about the future but I also want to live the present properly , if I can't live the present properly then I won't live a future properly.