I fully agree with your AAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHH!! !!
JohnHopkins wrote:
To the OP: Mate, be glad you got that far, since a lot of people on this board don't.
It's all a matter of how closely to your face you'd like the cookie dangled before it's yanked away from you.
I'm in this situation now, although it's a bit different considering she's had the same boyfriend since even before meeting me (they're going on 4 years, I've known her for almost 2), and now she calls me her best friend. >_< Being in the Super Friend Zone isn't much better let me tell you.
Ironically, she and many of my other attractive female friends have remarked at one time or another "I'm so surprised you don't have a girlfriend!" Well yeah, because none of you have wanted to be mine! lol. Apparently I'm such a wonderful guy (they are my friends of course), BUT I'm not for any of them... they, like nearly all women I've ever known, prefer douche bags unanimously. The decent guys are always for 'some other lucky girl' that legend has it, will someday be made happy by me.
I'm tempted someday to just come out and kiss my best friend out of the blue, just to test whether or not she can feel anything for me or not. Simply asking her would certainly yield a "no", since she couldn't know any better until she tries it... okay so maybe this is among my dumbest ideas especially since I do want to stay friends with her and not have to confront her boyfriend again after the last time I tried to 'steal' her from him over a year ago... but I'm getting quickly tired of asking myself "What if?" I'll never get over her as long as question lingers in my mind. To kiss her and have her tell me she felt nothing, that'd solidify my defeat better than anything she's ever said before.
Until then, I'm stuck just being a friend... or sometimes it feels like I'm the co-boyfriend. I get the shxt-end of the job, cheering her up and comforting her and being there for her and all that, while her real boyfriend (whose occasionally the very cause of her miseries) reaps the rewards of her affection for doing the bare minimum to keep her happy, and even less ever since her and I have been closer.
vimster wrote:
"Let's just be friends" has to be the worst gentle let-down line ever. Roughly translated it means "... I'd like you to hang around though as you'll be handy for when the real man I find isn't giving me the attention I need, though obviously we will only talk, let's get that straight".
That sums up my situation pretty well. Not to say she's not an excellent friend though, BUT it only works if you get over your feelings for her first. Otherwise it can be kinda painful.
Sorry for the rant folks, but that's why I don't post often!