JohnHopkins wrote:
I don't mean biologically. I mean as far as attractiveness, people like Sean Connery are still 'hunks' into their fifties and sixties (or for normal people, forties), whereas for women that's much rarer.
I agree with you as a general rule, and I think this is biology. Women's hormones don't last as long. Nature only cares that women last long enough to bare children, after that it's every woman for herself. Since men don't have to bare the child, nature allows them to reproduce longer and have all the sexual characteristics that go with it.
Younger women, wait until you find out what happens to your body as your hormones wain, especially if medication is exaserbating the symptoms! Are you in for a rude awakening. No wonder their husbands are leaving them.
However! We have available to us bioidentical hormone replacement (made by compounding pharmacies), but many women are not taking advantage of it because drug companies are scaring them with THEIR OWN MISTAKE: PREMERIN. I don't know how other women's menopause went, but mine was awful until I found a good doctor in Santa Monica. Most other doctors didn't even undrstand hormones and said the most ridiculous things. I am now, very happily, a very young 55. So we will change the statistics and Cher won't be such an anomally. On top of that we are also taking more control of our lives, careers, financial, and old age planning, so we will be happier and more desirable as we age. And I aim to be at the forefront of that change!
"Me voici donc seul sur la terre, n'ayant plus de frère de prochain d'ami de société que moi-même." Jean-Jacques Rousseau
"Do not think, 'I am alone.'" Sasaki Roshi