BJWanlund wrote:
Hey guys! I'm doing a column for my school paper about being an Aspie, and I'm working on another one over the summer, but I've run into a snag: I want to talk about how come Aspies don't exactly have very many girlfriends, if any, and I really want to talk from not just my perspective, but from others' perspective too.
So, here's my question: Why do most Neurotypical girls shun us Aspies? What are they expecting out of us?
I dated two neuro's, and I am a current Neuro myself, somehow my AS has disappered.
anyhoz, I dated a neuro my junior year of high school (four years back) and it went completely well (well if you don't count the once a week sesh with a councilor after I thought I might be sucidal and depressed....that's another story) minus the break up, and we're still talking and good friends.
I can't say that I've been "shunned" in all my expereience (well excluding elementary school). I was always the guy that every one liked, in high school and today, most guys with girlfriends don't mind them hanging out with me because they know me well enough to know that I'm not the type to make a move on their girl.
I want peace for all. Simple yet elegant.