I'm a 21 year old slightly autistic male (P.D.D-NOS), and I'm just curious if anyone else feels kind of the way I do:
I've been single 21 years (yeah, that's all my life). In middle school and high school, I tried to date and get a girlfriend, but I was always turned down, sometimes because I wasn't the most attractive male around (I personally think I look alright ), or because I seemd odd to them.
After a while, I become depressed and then I became resentful of love and all those who engage in it. I believed that girls are only interested in the most attractive males, and any guy who wasn't all looks, but had personality, intelligence, etc would be readily turned down. My logic behind this is that many girls tend to date jerks because they are "new" and "exciting", not nearly as calm and relaxed as nice guys.
After being embittered for a while, I just gave up on pursuing romantic relationships, I reasoned "Why bother is my efforts are always in vain?". So once I was in college and until now, I've been burned out on the idea of love/romance. I think that the reality of rejection is more than the possibility of acceptance. I know the proper procedure to get a girl, it is remarkably simple, but I just feel "Why should I bother?"
So my question is, has any of you been burned out by the idea or effort it takes to engage in starting a romantic relationships?
-Autistic Malcontent