My mom says that when a woman keeps saying she has a headache, it's an excuse. A headache once in a while is understandable, but all the time means she's making excuses, and sex is supposed to alleviate headaches. If she really is sore and always has a headache, why hasn't she seen a doctor about this? Are these headaches interfering with other areas of her life? A chronic headache could mean something serious is wrong, or she could be suffering needlessly from something easily treatable, unless she really is just making excuses.
The cause of chronic pain can get worse, and the pain can become more difficult to treat if one neglects to treat it. The pain itself can cause life threatening problems. ... n_syndrome
Is it the norm that the man in a married couple should always be the one to initiate things? Isn't this sort of one-sided drama supposed to subside when people begin trusting each other and when a relationship between two mature people is declared legitimate?
What is she doing when you're not with her? My cousin had a fiancee who would make excuses for not going with him to family reunions and other places, and when he would get back the place would be trashed, broken windows, missing money, etc. When they broke up, a month later she was engaged to someone else. Go figure.
Compliments are nice if they're geniune, but don't go overboard and try not to make yourself look needy, even if you are married to your partner. If the real problem is that she doesn't feel attracted to you, then supplication probably won't work. The attraction instinct is strong in most people of both genders because nature has selected for it. Unless she's nearly asexual (and most aren't), those feelings of attraction have to be going somewhere.
Don't do anything to make anyone believe you might be looking elsewhere while you are married. Keep your integrity. If someone is looking elsewhere while you're married, it isn't going to be you! Don't blow all your money, keep yourself in good shape, and above all, don't cheat! If a marriage ends in divorce, a whole gang of lawyers, psychologists and judges becomes involved, and at times these people can behave very unfairly and unprofessionally despite their job titles. Your integrity may be your only defense against them at some point, so you must maintain it to deal from a position of strength no matter what happens. Brace yourself, for your marriage may already be in more trouble than you realize.
A boy and his dog can go walking
A boy and his dog sometimes talk to each other
A boy and a dog can be happy sitting down in the woods on a log
But a dog knows his boy can go wrong
Last edited by sgrannel on 27 Jul 2008, 11:23 am, edited 5 times in total.