Beenthere wrote:
Everytime a woman chooses to initiate conversation with a man does not mean they're necessarily attracted to them or interested in them.
Some just like to talk.
She liked your swimming, she stated as much...maybe she simply wished she could swim as well as you do.
Well, I think she was trying the socially dominant or "alpha" approach that's usually advertised here and elsewhere on the Internet for guys instead of women. Plus as she and her friend were joking around about being "w****s," which is something fairly "open" women tend to joke about. On the downside (and you'd probably expect a downside from women like that), she smokes, and she admitted unasked that, when she took Spanish, she used her boyfriend of the time to do all her Spanish homework for her. She ended up talking to no end about some religion she had just made up, which was some hodge-podge perversion of several religions plus some bizarre randomness to back her claim (this is why I say she was just messing with me). When I left, she continued to insist upon her wacko religion that I "just didn't understand."
Now obviously she's not some exemplar woman, but she is indicative, albeit more extreme, of the messing-with-me trend among women.