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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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Joined: 23 Aug 2008
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06 Sep 2008, 9:32 am

Yeah, that's kind of what it is. My girlfriend and I were going out for about a month or so, when suddenly out of the blue, she decided to end it -- even though it was very hard for her to do so. It was very weird, I saw her on Tuesday and everything was going well, then the next day she went to have a coffee when a friend of her's who told her he liked her awhile before... even though she liked him just as friends, although a week ago, he gave her an ultamatium to pick either me or him, and she picked me... so much for that, eh

I don't know what to think, she says I am perfect and not to change -- and thereby lies the problem when I am too perfect and apparently fake. She was upset though, when we talked about it on Thursday... I mean, I love her with all my heart and we were getting a long very, very well... it just seemed to happen very suddenly and with no real build-up. I talked to her again and there is a chance we might get back together, although, it also seems like there is a war in her head and all these voices tell her things, etc... it's pretty messed up.

I just don't know what to do. I am feeling a lot better than I was yesterday about it, but still... it's hard when you met the girl of your dreams and something happens out of the blue. I wouldn't really call this a break, but rather a coma, because I am not too sure if we'll wake up. Although I really want it to, I am not too sure she does. It's such an odd situation... ever since she met that guy in her appartment she had been slightly out of it... he told her that I was infactulated with her and not really in love... and well, I just don't know.

It's not like we're not friends anymore -- just the opposite. I think she still has feelings for me -- I think, but it's the way her life is right now -- complicated, that makes this whole thing that much harder. If we're going to be together, if it's fate -- then it will happen. As it stands, though -- I don't know what to think, really - I guess, I should just hope for the best. What would you do?


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06 Sep 2008, 10:07 am

I guess you don't need me to tell you that loving a girl with all of your heart after you have been going out for a bout a month can sorta backfire on ya'. Especially since she has a prior friend that she obviously has feelings for that came back into her life. And she isn't too sure about him being a steady guy, so she still maintains your relationship. . .we used to call it, 'on ice' in case he flakes out on her again.

we have all been though it. well, those of us that have been through it have all been through it, so the question is, is this all what you want to spend your time doing? being an emotional yo-yo, that is. it is definately your choice as what works for you.


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