is love/infatuation a feeling most of us want to experience?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Sep 2008, 6:58 pm

i ask because during my adolescent and early adult years i've had a few intense crushes on people who proved to be unattainable to me, and i've found it quite hard to move on from them when they've screwed me over or i've lost touch with them, and my mother recently said to me on the subject: "they turn into obsessions, to the extent that they're not even about the person any more. you're an obsessive by nature; it strikes me that you need to have an obsession, for example Nadine and Kit [the fictional subjects of all my writing when i was a kid], the celebrity crushes when you were younger, and now the obsessions with people you often don't really know."

the statement made me wonder whether the latter feelings i've experienced for other people are genuine, because the first few times i experienced what i'd identify as love, it scared me witless and i tried to fight them but my efforts proved futile. but then as i got older, i found myself seeking out people i was attracted to and enjoying the thrill, wanting to feel this way about the other person. it occurred to me that this feeling was a variation on the original one but i've never given it this much thought until now. i mean, i know i could probably forget the obsession but i don't try because a big part of me enjoys the process, for reasons incomprehensible to others, i would imagine. maybe the feeling has changed as i've got older and adapted to it, but i don't know. sorry about the post dragging on a bit.


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04 Sep 2008, 7:02 pm

i'd say love is a feeling everyone should want

Infatuation is a feeling everyone should want to avoid. it feels great when you have, but is certainly not worth the crash you are pretty much guaranteed to experience afterward. Its posssible to have that infatuation for someone who loves you back, but in general infatuation occurs because of a lack of experience with love and sets you up for a lot of harm and being used, yet you don't realize it at the time because it feels to you like you are "head over heels in love"


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04 Sep 2008, 7:02 pm

Do I want to experience love? Yes.

Even though my total relationship experience amounts to one unofficial relationship that lasted less than a month, that feeling of being in love, in and of itself, makes me feel more complete, regardless of the woman at the other end...


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04 Sep 2008, 7:50 pm

I want to understand love on more than an intellectual level.... the lasting, devoted kind that is based on the person for all they are and doesn't just get thrown away casually. I've felt warmth for people, but I don't know if it could be called "love." I think it's possible, even if I don't feel it like other people do, I'm just looking for proof.

Infatuation just seems unnecessarily complicated and likely to cause problems. I'd rather not deal with something quite as temporary and fleeting.


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04 Sep 2008, 9:51 pm

Only if it's reciprocated. That's not to say that if I fell in love with a woman who didn't love me that I would "stop loving her"... I just hope that I would only fall in love with someone who loved me back, because unrequited love can be extremely painful.


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05 Sep 2008, 4:04 pm

I would love to fall in love (pardon the pun) but sadly things like love don't seem to happen to singles in the modern, at least not from what i've seen. the divorce rate and such. I think the worst thing is when your sure you've fallen but the other person doesn't seem to return the feelings... :'(

Snowy Owl
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05 Sep 2008, 4:58 pm


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05 Sep 2008, 8:37 pm

I have experienced infatuation and would like to experience it again, and would like to experience love.


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05 Sep 2008, 9:31 pm

I used to, but I really don't want to anymore. I've never dated and I've liked a few people, but now I'm fine with being single. If anything, it seems like it might be a burden to like someone intensley.

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05 Sep 2008, 11:57 pm

Infatuation makes you feel like you are the king of the world and that you can take on any obsticle (sp?). However, it is a false sense of happiness, you might feel elevated and energetic, but it will go away. I will tell you what true love is, and I won't be poetic about it, but if you want to know what TRUE love is, it is three things combined into one

True Love = Intimacy + Passion + Commitment

You need intimacy so you guys have something to talk about and so you can share your interests and hobbies with one another.

You need commitment to make sure your relationship is stable and that you are taking the time to watch out for one another.

You need passion because your body longs for it when you have the other two.

This is perfect love. Know it. Embrace it. and Strive for it.


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06 Sep 2008, 12:15 pm

I seem to get rather easily infatuated with women, often because I find some silly little reason to think "maybe they're like me". It always ends in disappointment though; usually I find out they're married or something.

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