monkees4va wrote:
They have to be different, stand out from the crowd.
they have to be funny, so we wont get bored
they have to be sensitive sometimes, macho others
and although it goes against the male psychology, we all want a man that will listen to us when he's tired!
also, broad shoulders, narrow waist and tight bum never fail to impress us
[LePetitPrince in aspie woman's mode]
I want a maaan who is ...hmm sensitive and sweet, yet very macho ,strong ,aggressive and assertive.
He must have great sense of humor and make me crack all the time yet he must be very serious and extremly mature.
He has to be different and unique and stand out from the crowd yet he has to be sociable and look like a typical gym guy.
He has to be a aspie and geeky yet very outgoing and easygoing.
He has to be not superficial yet he has to have a perfect sexy body.
He hasn't to be rich yet he has to be very generous.
He has to be smart yet with big muscles.
[/aspie woman's mode]