danlo wrote:
Lol, I probably shouldn't have posted that. Now noone will want to contact Laura, cause they won't want to appear desperate as I mentioned.

If you read Laura's post in the Eligible odd bods thread, girls don't dig guys who come across as desperate. Act indifferent, and the girls who have no problems getting guys, usually the hotties, get irked that they have no influence over you. Then they try more the harder to get you. Just don't act too indifferent, or they'll just call you gay

you have no idea how true this is. For better or worse, this semester I have been extremely busy with school, work and outside activities to even concentrate on the opposite sex. Then one day, I get an email from a female. I shot her a reply and replied to her on subsequent days i had time, but I rarely had time to actually speak. Well sparse days of speaking turned to sparse days of visits and now she really has the hots for me. And is beautiful! She's a model in fact! All because I've had to work so much, I haven't been able to really say or pay any attention to her. She calls or text messages me every day and asks me when we can hang out again.
Maybe there is something to this....So guys, take that man's advice. Show some interest, but not too much and become absorbed in some worthwhile pursuit like school, work or just something to make money . ONly talk to her every now and again and she will flock to your arms!