I read the an amazing book today about relationships.
The Invisible Partners by John A. Sanford.
The book was written in 1979, so it should be available in most college libraries.
It is short 118 pages, and definately worth reading.
John A. Sanford is a Jungian and Episcopal priest.
The book deals with cross gender relationships along with the role of the anima and animus.
The anima is the feminine component dwelling inside a male's unconscious mind. The animus is the masculine component dwelling inside a female's unconscious mind.
The mysterious force which we call sexuality is both complicated and enriched by Invisible Partners... The anima and animus are frequently projected onto members of the opposite sex, and when a person carries for us such a projected image, sexual feelings and fantasies are likely to be aroused. (p.80)
According to this theory, the trick to getting a women interested in dating you is to get her to project her subconcious male onto you, and don't let her waiver. For women it is of course the opposite.
This could be one reason why women get mad when men get passive.
A man does not have to be an ass, he just has to act masculane.
A woman has to act feminine.
Or the illusion is shattered.
Of course I am being overly simplistic.
I recommend getting the book and reading it.