AussieMatt wrote:
Where are the friggin replies?
Haha. I am in the same boat friend. Although casual relationships are fun and so are sexually charged friendships ... i much prefer the idea or long term. My advice is work on yourself and the good ones will come. Make sure you are busy and having fun.
Advice passed onto me by a 35 year old man(happily married) was this ... work on yourself and career so that when the time comes you will be ready to start off on the right foot.
I do not know about you but my impatience is extremely thick so i have taken it on myself to look for the hidden lesson in patience ...
or if that doesn't work take my twice divorced fathers advice "f**k em all and the good one's will come" ... he might have meant "cum" but i would like to think my dads not that derogatory towards the opposite sex ...
"The world is dying; time to suit up"