This girl I study with for my neuroscience course asks me for my number in order to contact me so we can study together later this week, but for the last two months or so, we've been able to setup times to meet just fine using email. So, in a sort of knee-jerk reaction, I jokingly say "how am I supposed to trust you with that" (I know her pretty well, but man, what the hell was I thinking) and tell her that it's unnecessary. She looked kind of confused at first and then laughed about it (well, what else can you do, my response was weird as hell for such a question) and said that it's probably better we do it via email. I'm obviously overanalyzing this, but I think I dropped the ball (not that it was going to go anywhere anyways) big time and sounded like a dick while also implying that I thought she was asking for my number for other reasons.
I've got some psychotic conception of social interaction.