Magnus wrote:
You should also know better to use acronyms like NVM. Anybody who is worth talking to in real life doesn't use robot lingo. Unless of course, you are a robot. I can't deny I'd like to pick a robot's "brain".
I got the annalogy.
What he was saying is that women are like a magnet + and then men are like metal shavings -
Think about your childhood toy Mr. Fuzzy. You know the guy who had plastic over his face and was filled with black shavings. You could use the magnet pen to pull up the metal and give him hair or a beard. Or think about an etch a sketch if you know how those work. The black in them is also metal shavings. Then when you shake it they all go to the sides...
Does that help?
As for the question I think you have to consider many NT girls get into bad relationships alos. Especially these days many kids are marrying kids and then end up regreting it later when they feel as if they missed out be it the guy or the girl.
As for AS guys, you know my opinion on that.
But I will share it none the less for the sake of discussion. In my experience I have found that AS hurt my ability to hold relationships as well as it amplified the already natural social anxiety of approaching women. I also foudn that having a natural concience I could not fake being coky because in fact I hated those guys and also in turn develpoed a hatred for the women dumb enough to fall for them. I always believed you had to truly be "the s**t" in order to flaunt it. And much to my dismay it was not until many years later did I discover most women do not have the powerful intuition I was raised to believe until they are much older and had been with enough docuh bags to smell a douche bag.
So in this way I would say early in life it is difficult for males with AS but if they can becoem comfortble with themselves as they grow older they will end up in a stable happy relationship.
Where as with As women they might (based on observation and also storys from an AS women I chated with on wrong planet) it seems to possibly be the opposite where they have an easier time in youth but as they grow older either A end up in a poor relationship wishing they could escape or B end up with so many poor relationships they end up giving up on men all together until further notice.
However in the case of AS and AS relationships it seems to be a 100% success ratio because as far as I have gathered they end up married and happy together.
So maybe the key is patience and understanding as well as good mentorship in life and a strong belief in everything happens for a reson and also learning from mistakes allows room for growth...
"The world is dying; time to suit up"