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19 Jan 2009, 3:10 am

I was wondering, has anyone confessed to the person they liked that they liked them. How did the person react and how did you go about doing this.

Im in a situation where I have a friend that Im really into but my fear is that if I told them it would freak them out and make things rather ackward between us. I've kept this from him for almost 3 months and Im getting to the point where I want to tell him badly but I just dont know. I cant hold it in any longer type of situation but Im afraid of blowing the friendship.


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19 Jan 2009, 3:25 am

I have done it...plenty. Always ended up with the person wanting to be friends. (Here my mind thinks..."If I wanted a friend, I would get a f....... dog")

With girls I think it is slightly different. I would probably make sure of what I am feeling....if it just infatuation, then don't. We often get infatuated with the person we feel safe with. It will blow over. If it is more, I would confess. It is better to know now, and love........or get hurt. The fact that you are unsure will drive you nuts.

If he wants to try for a relationship, make sure he isn't just taking advantage. If he pushes for sex or something similar within a very short period he will cause you hurt.


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19 Jan 2009, 5:55 am

Just tell him, if you get rejected it will feel like crap for a while but that feeling fades. I've been in this situation lots of times and I defiantly think never letting them know how you feel is way worse than getting rejected, and I've had my fair share of rejections. But there was a girl I really like in school who I never said anything to and we drifted apart, years later I saw her best friends on a bus and she told me about how this girl had been madly in love with me. That pissed me off a lot more than getting rejected.


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19 Jan 2009, 6:00 am

princesseli wrote:
I was wondering, has anyone confessed to the person they liked that they liked them. How did the person react and how did you go about doing this.

Im in a situation where I have a friend that Im really into but my fear is that if I told them it would freak them out and make things rather ackward between us. I've kept this from him for almost 3 months and Im getting to the point where I want to tell him badly but I just dont know. I cant hold it in any longer type of situation but Im afraid of blowing the friendship.
I mentioned on another thread about my former best friend, and how a couple of years ago I liked her beyond friendship, I did tell her straight out how much I liked her, she was cool with it but sadly she remained my friend until about 2007/2008 due to a situation that I'd rather not go into

though it's been a while, her and I would still like to be friends despite what happened :)

Thanks Tinkerbell.

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19 Jan 2009, 6:36 am

I would definitely let him know you kinda like him, and if he doesn't express any interest back it'll hurt a little and be embarrassing, but as long as you don't make a big deal or keep bugging him about it you should still be able to save the friendship. :)

DaLoCo wrote:
I have done it...plenty. Always ended up with the person wanting to be friends. (Here my mind thinks..."If I wanted a friend, I would get a f....... dog")

And I am most definitely in the same boat as this guy.


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19 Jan 2009, 6:51 am

I've told the one i liked, was rejected thou, and saw it coming to.
But things are still as they were before so it's good for me i guess.
Well we had like 1 month free from school, and i hadn't seen her for 1 month, so the long gap in time must have made things right or something ( i had known her for like 2,5 half years, but first began to like her more the 0,75 or so years before, lol)


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19 Jan 2009, 9:04 am

Nope, never done so. Wouldn't know how to go about bringing up the subject.



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19 Jan 2009, 11:19 am

I told it to the girl I liked the day after Valentine's day in 08

Basically she sat behind me since October and I got really attached to her, and then the teacher did a seat switch on Valentine's Day(February 14th) and then I almost cried from being separated from her.

I told her all that the next day when no one was around and then I told her I loved her. She said "Awwwww, thank you"

When I tell people about it, they say that was a bad reaction but at least she was kind about it.


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19 Jan 2009, 11:35 am

I think my main question is, does telling someone make the friendship very ackward like maybe for a while they dont wanna hang out as much. Cause I really dont want that to happen.

Heres more details about the situation. Im probably already setting myself up for failure when I say this but: Im pretty sure he's not into me like that. Cause he said one time about 2.5 months ago, he's not into any of the girls he knows which was me and 3 others. But I already know he's been having sex occasionally one of the other girls he knows who is probably his closest friend at this school. He and I are very open with telling each stupid sexual jokes so he has kinda overexaggerated to me for joke purposes how much he has sex with her. This was bothering me like hell. After a while, I stopped pretending that I was cool with it and been dropping hints lately that I was jealous(not purposely, it kinda comes out). So theres some possbility he might know.
Heres something that happened last nite: Last nite, I was returning something to him, he opened his door very slightly to get it and told me some joke and then I looked at him weirdly/ suspiciously and he slowly closed the door on me. And then I went crazy thinking what could be really going on. So I an hour an half later I attempted to come back to his room and I knocked nervously and I went and hid. I think he opened the door looked around and closed it. I went and knocked again and this time trying to get myself to stand at the door. He didnt answer. Then I called him shortly afterwards, he answered and asked if I wanted to tell him something. I got nervous, said nevermind and he said he'd talk to me 2morrow. This whole thing is driving me crazy!

DaLoCo wrote:
I have done it...plenty. Always ended up with the person wanting to be friends. (Here my mind thinks..."If I wanted a friend, I would get a f....... dog")

With girls I think it is slightly different. I would probably make sure of what I am feeling....if it just infatuation, then don't. We often get infatuated with the person we feel safe with. It will blow over. If it is more, I would confess. It is better to know now, and love........or get hurt. The fact that you are unsure will drive you nuts.

As for the whole friendship thing, I'd rather have him as a friend then nothng at all. Being aspie I dont have very many friends and I dont want to destroy the ones I have besides he sorta helps with having a social life. And I was hoping this would blow over but it didnt cause we just came back from break and it didnt I was thinking about him all break. Right now he's my obsession.

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22 Jan 2009, 1:12 pm

I've only told one girl how I felt about her. Turns out I hadn't done my recon properly and she had a boyfriend *facepalm*
Things changed a little but not too much. I haven't seen her in a long while because she's been very ill and has taken a gap year from uni this year for various reasons.

There's a girl I'm kind of interested in at the moment but whenever I'm around her I'm not really sure what to say (the first time I spoke to her I went on and on and on about something I think no-one in the vicinity cared about. To say I talked at her would be more accurate).

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22 Jan 2009, 1:51 pm

If you get rejected, I don't think there's any way to tell how awkward the other person might get. The girls who have rejected me were all on a casual friend sort of level and relations afterwards have ranged from virtually unchanged (though probably no more opportunity for a closer friendship) to never speaking to me again. Appear to take it in your stride and you'll have acquitted yourself well, at the very least.

I would also be skeptical that just telling your friend outright, without some precedent, would be such a good idea. If anyone has had any successful experiences with just suddenly telling a friend or acquaintance you find them attractive, I'd be curious to know how that worked.