BellaDonna wrote:
There is a saying that nice girls always lose and b*****s get ahead.
Uh...maybe.... But b*****s only have one place with me, behind me kissing my.... Generally a bitchy person will meet with the full force of my a...hole side, I have no time for nasty people.
I do however like a bit of assertiveness, or a bit of hardass. I just couldn't be bothered to make certain decisions, and I have found assertive girls will crack the whip a bit to get me up and going. Hanging with such have caused me to get out more, meet some nice people, and generally improve my selfesteem. the negative is that I normally develop a crush on them, and then I get the "I just want to be friends" speech.
Nice girls will however, as part of their nice nature, make sure I am at ease, so their company is enjoyed a lot. Problem is they tend to develop crushes on me.......I cannot do the "I just want to be friends" speech. I just ignore it and hope it goes away.
I don't give people hell, I just tell the truth and they think it's hell.......Me