danceyourdance wrote:
Well i'm still a little upset over it right now.
But i was thinking about what he said, and he did mention that he didn't know what to say/do.
And was like "what" you don't have to do anything.
Just go at his pace (which, i'm warning you now, will be
slooooooooooow...) and let him feel comfortable with the situation, but do take the lead if you can, so that you keep exploring more of your relationship (as an aspie would likely stop exploring if he got the chance)...
He menions that he wasn't sure how to be friendly...which i'm taking as flirting because we are already friends.
Just tell him to keep doing what he's doing for now, and he can work his way up from there as he feels comfortable... the only difference is that the two of you have broken the glass ceiling of mere friendship and now have the potential to move up...
I know he hasn't had a relationship before, but i'm okay with that and we can learn things together.
He may not be able to tell that you are also inexperienced, so you should tell him that line, so that he doesn't feel excessively pressured by the relationship all the time...
Its just that i gave this long thing about how i felt and his repsonse was just "yea...." and "i'm not sure" and "i had a feeling you felt that way"
Those are just generic responses that he's slipping in because, as I was saying, he has no idea what he's
supposed to be saying, and needs some time to process all this information...