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After reading my idea, what do you think?
I'm contacting them right now 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Its a good idea 11%  11%  [ 1 ]
It sounds ok 33%  33%  [ 3 ]
Not a good idea 56%  56%  [ 5 ]
Total votes : 9

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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26 Sep 2007, 12:34 am

I'm sure at least some of you have seen VH1's "Pick Up Artist." For those of you who have not seen the show, a group of men are taught how to become pick up artists. Now here comes the idea. What if we all e-mail, call, mail, or otherwise contact VH1 and suggest that in the next season of Pick Up Artist they try out the ultimate challange. Turn a group of aspies into pick up artists...

In my opinion it would help spread the knowledge of what we deal with on a daily basis and it could have the potential to teach aspies everywhere how to properly interact in social situations. If they want a challange that will draw alot of attention from around the country and even the world, I've got it right here.


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26 Sep 2007, 12:40 am

I don't have television in my house for a couple of reasons...
1- I'd spend too much time watching it
2- Most of the stuff on t.v. is junk that I could do without

So, my concern is that the show would make fun of Aspies. Highlighting the difficulties the 'contestants' (are they contestants on this show?) are having, maybe making jokes at their expense...

I do not know this show. I do watch t.v. - in hotel rooms when on vacation, at the hospital on the rare occasion I'm off work late at night and by a vacant t.v., but I have no idea what the bulk of the shows now-a-days are like.

Sounds like you know this show pretty good. If you say it doesn't do the 'Jerry Springer' treatment of humiliation to the people on it, then I would vote for it.
If it's just one of those ridiculous shows made just for getting laughs, then I would vote against it myself.

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26 Sep 2007, 12:40 am

As though we could be bothered?


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26 Sep 2007, 1:03 am

Did you ever see "Beauty and the Geek",pretty sure some of these guys were aspie.Wasnt as bad as it sounds.I thought they would make fun of the guys,but if anything,the girls were the ones that came off looking dumb and superficial.
I dont think it would be a bad idea but you are at the total mercy of the producer...they edit everything and CAN make someone look like a loser just through editing(taking qoetes out of context).

Personally,I would like a show with aspies,that they are now showing,called "Kid Nation",I think it would highlight positive aspects of "thinking out side the box to problem solve",but show some of the difficulties with socializzing and working as a group,(certainly one of my weaknesses.)

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26 Sep 2007, 11:20 am

Oh please, have you actually seen the show? The guy who's supposed to teach "nerds" how to pick up chicks is revolting. He looks like a gangly, pasty junkie wearing way too much eye make up. Pleased to meet him I'm sure. :roll: No woman would want to touch him with a ten foot pole, even if he had an American Express Black Card taped to his forehead. And the fact that he hails himself as the ultimate charmer would be comical if people didn't actually take him seriously.

In any case, all those reality shows are so over-edited, and you end up having no control whatsoever over how they choose to portray you, and they always go for vey unsubtle, broad characters to be consumed by conflict loving viewers with a very low IQ and short attention span.


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26 Sep 2007, 11:32 am

VH1 is part of that whole MTV idea, which shouldn't even be on TV...

The world would be muh better off without channels like those... Maybe MTV of the 70's would be fine (when it actually did what the name suggested: Music Television). Nowadays they dont even do music videos on MTV anymore. WTF is that?


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30 Sep 2007, 9:00 pm

Producers want people for shows like this that they think could make some reall progress. Thats what makes the show interesting. They are not going to want a group of guys that have been clinicly deemed unlikely to make progress with women. That could end up a disaster with no guys making much of any progress.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 May 2009, 8:54 pm

I saw some parts of The Pick-Up Artist on VH1.For me,it was very demeaning towards the men who didn't know how to talk to women.At the end of the show,one guy gets eliminated.I have seen VH1's Tough Love,but the difference is that the women don't get eliminated every episode.Talk about sexism!The pick-up artist named Mystery,ought to be called Naruto!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 May 2009, 8:56 pm

ToadOfSteel wrote:
VH1 is part of that whole MTV idea, which shouldn't even be on TV...

The world would be muh better off without channels like those... Maybe MTV of the 70's would be fine (when it actually did what the name suggested: Music Television). Nowadays they dont even do music videos on MTV anymore. WTF is that?

MTV ought to be called RTV-Reality Television!Not like that reality show Parental Control,were parents take jabs ot their childrens current dating partner.


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27 May 2009, 9:09 pm

Dude, what's with the resurrecting old threads? Just start new ones and let the old ones (years old threads anyway) rest in peace...


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27 May 2009, 9:27 pm

You know, I hung out with the guy Mystery once. Years ago. While in college I got dragged out with a friend of a friend who was one of these 'pick-up' artists and apart of his whole click. It had a following going years before the show.

That guy himself is pretty cool, you get the sense from him that given 5 minutes he coulda talked hitler into loving the hebrew nation. The few other guys I was with...defined what the word douche bag means. There is just something off about a group of guys who refer to each other by nicknames like savvy and mystery and wear goggles out to a club.

And from what I learned, what they can teach you is how to get laid, not get a girlfriend. The kind of people who respond to what they teach are not the kind of people you want to communicate with on a regular basis.


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27 May 2009, 9:36 pm

ToadOfSteel wrote:
Dude, what's with the resurrecting old threads? Just start new ones and let the old ones (years old threads anyway) rest in peace...

woah, ya, whats that all about, year and half old.