So this summer I just got back recently from a trip out of the country to see relatives out of the country (my family is from Turkey). I have been having some experiences that has been good when it comes to the realm of the opposite gender. I went to a beach resort hangout and danced with some girls (but didn't get any phone numbers). I had a short conversation with another girl the other day when me and my family went out on the town (but had to keep it short due to that girl's family being around). Another thing is my little cousin has a babysitter and the babysitter's daughter kind of likes me. But there are some conflicts of interests concerning the babysitters daughter. One, she has some slight self image issues (but nonetheless really cool). Two, my parents don't think I should pursue the girl due to the fact she is almost 10 years younger then me. So I was wondering whether if I should pursue this opportunity with that girl regardless of what people say or should I look at other opportunities instead when I go to visit where my relatives live. (I think people think I am cool because I was born and raised in the USA lol). What is everyone's take on this issue?