I think that each of us possess equal opportunities

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Joined: 21 Jan 2006
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22 Jan 2006, 2:06 am

Hei Friends!

As the previous persons, I could write a long list about joys and sorrows which are contributed by Asperger`s syndrome. However, I could not effect on
the heritance and choose my parents, avoid being teased at school for behaving mild and observing silently the others in
a group of class mates. Although the class mates or my family members did not seem to notice my skills, creativity and
profoundness, teachers and I were much aware.

Loneliness is in general a tribulation of this modern society but you self
can make something for it. Since I moved from home in order to study biochemistry in the university, new friends appeared and a medical student boy asked for dates. We loved and dated for a couple of years until both of us obtained jobs from separate towns.
It seems that part of the symptoms`s of Asperger`s syndrome are like illusion. The worse they become if we allow it to occur.
Frienships, appreciation and caring of fellowmen cannot be earned if you do not express them by yourself.

The current is hectic. I am studying nursing after working as a research scientist, take shifts in the hospital whenever asked, play volley ball with friends, read, paint and maintain healthy habits. The right man is missing. Soulmate, understanding, smart, humorous, academic and cute looking man who is open-minded, manages in his career, and is interested in global issues.
It is such a huge task though a few men hunt after me:-))