Hello all. I have read some of the more recent posts here in this category and have actually found a lot of answers to my recent uprising questions just from reading other peoples threads. However, I figured I could polish off my newfound knowledge by stating my situation and asking for a few ideas. So, here goes:
I have been in a group for aspies run by my Dr, for a long time. I've been upset with the operations for a long time because they have the guys and girls in separate groups. However, about two months ago, they put a girl in our group because, I'm not sure, but I believe she is unable to go to the girls group on the day it is, so they put her in the group with us guys. I was really excited about this (internally). She seems to be reacting to it differently than one would expect. She is actively contributing in the sessions and getting a long with us well, even on her first week. I am beginning to think I could get a lot of benefits from being in a friendship with her, or possibly eventually even more. I'm thinking she could benefit in some way too by chance. So I've participated in group with her and the others 3 or so weeks now. There has been no group for 2 more weeks now, but tomorrow the group is meeting again.
I have a rough plan of taking this to the next step. I want to try and start up a casual conversation after group ends if she doesn't seemed rushed. My plan is to start by asking: "Hi (her name here). How's it going?" and then continue asking a few random questions about her for maybe 2 to 3 minutes, and, depending on my judgement of how the conversation goes, say that I have to leave, but ask her if she wants my number so we can continue the conversation some other time (note I'm asking if she wants MINE for the reason of keeping it cool) and then if she mentions wanting a full exchange I can do that, otherwise, just give her mine and safely see if she's interested. Finally, I would say goodbye and drive home.
Any ideas to add to my "scenario"? Any modifications to make? I want some criticism for filtering out "no-no's" and adding anything that will enhance the scenario. Just keep in mind that I've known her for longer time than some real sudden situations but shorter then situations that would be the safest (since I've known her about 2 months, yet not seeing her extremely often). Advice of all types is welcome.