I haven't really...had a date since High School. I haven't really asked much either then again. I've got two women to say yes but they flaked. I'll usually get young, attractive women's numbers when I ask them but I either don't call them enough or get REAL shy and don't ring them at all. Last number a young woman gave me, I deleted before I even called her. Only one time, I didn't call a girl for the better and that was my second love. She (finally) gave me what I'm guessing was her real number but I left her alone as to keep my heart mostly in one piece. I'm just not really the outgoing young man I once was. It's a blessing at times since I can keep my heart in one piece and not worry about drama, having to keep an image I likely don't have for women or what not. But, on another hand, I'm still a virgin...probably will be for at least awhile too. It sucks..but I REALLY fear an STD or getting a woman pregnant. My life would be over if I got someone knocked up.