Whats up with guys fighting over girls or vice-versa?
That has got to be one of the stupidest things iv'e ever heard of. Seriously, there not married, were not animals, I mean seriously. In the past you'd date however many people you wanted and knocked them off over the years until you found a wife (or husband). Now people date 1 person and act like their already married. Thats a bunch of bull in my opinion. I also think that might be one of the reasons divorice rates are so high in this country. Please discuss.
Actually we are animals. Did you know we evolved from apes and you know how male animals go after the females and have sex with them because it's human nature and it's wired in their brains because that is how babies are born. Well we did the same thing too long long long time ago when we were apes and that is still wired in the male brains today as humans. That's why so many of them are pigs and sex is all they care about and they won't be with the woman if they don't get it from her. Sad eh? They have to treat women like objects.

I am sorry,
We can be friends and such and I would not need to have a relationship with you based on sex... There are a lot of women out there looking for guys that will takecare of them like their dads used to do when they were younger... It is a crazy world out there but not everyone is like that, many guys are pigs but not all of them....
Too many people taken the 'apparent' acceptable values comming off ofthe idiot box (out of hollywood) as a standard and wonder why they can not maintain relationships like the television shows they watch... real life is reality, something that is lacking comming out of the idiot box...
Couple that with the 'please me now' and 'instant gratification' types of mentality that were being drowned in by the dominate society driven by consumeristic culture and hollywood.... it is creating more and more disfunctional individuals and relationship dynamics...
Being an Autie has given me some measure of immunity which those off of the spectrum are more likely to be taken by.
Not to be rude, but did you mean for all those words or did they just fall out randomly? Not all men treat women as objects, not at all. Those that do is their own problem. You can't just generalize or make a sweeping statement like that. People were never apes, apes are apes and people are people, people may have changed but we were never apes, sure we may have some similarities, but they're seperate species, and free will is what seperates us from the animals, we can choose our actions and are not bound by instinct. Besides, thats really not the point I was trying to make, my question is more of a societal or attitude or whatever it is, not really genetics.
Not to be rude, but did you mean for all those words or did they just fall out randomly? Not all men treat women as objects, not at all. Those that do is their own problem. You can't just generalize or make a sweeping statement like that. People were never apes, apes are apes and people are people, people may have changed but we were never apes, sure we may have some similarities, but they're seperate species, and free will is what seperates us from the animals, we can choose our actions and are not bound by instinct. Besides, thats really not the point I was trying to make, my question is more of a societal or attitude or whatever it is, not really genetics.
I said lot of them so that does not mean all. Lot of them have higher sex drives than women. Some women have high sex drives too and are also pigs. Sex is all lot of people care about so what I mean by treating people like objects is they want sex and if that person doesn't ever have it with them or have it enough with them, they leave them because sex was all that person ever cared about so yeah that is treating that person like an object. They didn't really care about the person at all or else they wouldn't leave that person just because they didn't get sex or not enough of it, and only wanted their vagina or penis.
Have you ever heard of evolution or read any science books? It's there and there's proof we were apes. Why do we even have ependix (sp)? It was used for us eating raw stuff my bf told me but now that we don't eat raw things, we don't really need it anymore. We don't even need our pinkies, our adnoids (sp) our tonsils, our eye brows, our body hair. We wear clothes now so we don't need body hair anymore or pubic hair.
I'm not going to argue about all this because some people are religious so they don't believe in this stuff and arguing is a waste of time when someone isn't going to agree with you or believe you.
Did you know chimps are 98% human?
I heard that fact somewhere and my bf heard it on the science channel and told me that and I told him I already knew that.

I am sorry,
We can be friends and such and I would not need to have a relationship with you based on sex... There are a lot of women out there looking for guys that will takecare of them like their dads used to do when they were younger... It is a crazy world out there but not everyone is like that, many guys are pigs but not all of them....
Too many people taken the 'apparent' acceptable values comming off ofthe idiot box (out of hollywood) as a standard and wonder why they can not maintain relationships like the television shows they watch... real life is reality, something that is lacking comming out of the idiot box...
Couple that with the 'please me now' and 'instant gratification' types of mentality that were being drowned in by the dominate society driven by consumeristic culture and hollywood.... it is creating more and more disfunctional individuals and relationship dynamics...
Being an Autie has given me some measure of immunity which those off of the spectrum are more likely to be taken by.
Gee don't people read my posts correctly. Where in "That's why so many of them are pigs" did I imply all men? Seesh

I said "many." Not "all." I find it interesting how despite being literal, we can still not understand simple English that is literal.

I notice how you said lot of women look for guys who will take care of them like their dads used to do. See I knew you weren't saying all women do because you said "lot of women."
I always had issues with women comming on to me over the years.... I was not interested in them for sex but they would come on to me...
I do not think of myself being anything special but some of them thought so...
If I use these experiences and label every female like these, it would not be a fair thing to do...
theres one woman now that is trying to get me to have sex with her sometime soon... I am not interested... How do I keep these women off of me while I just want to be friends with them...
I suppose this is what many women go through when lot of guys want to get to know them only for a sexual relationship... Probally a rare thing but I get that from women from time to time.
I do not think of myself being anything special but some of them thought so...
If I use these experiences and label every female like these, it would not be a fair thing to do...
theres one woman now that is trying to get me to have sex with her sometime soon... I am not interested... How do I keep these women off of me while I just want to be friends with them...
I suppose this is what many women go through when lot of guys want to get to know them only for a sexual relationship... Probally a rare thing but I get that from women from time to time.
Try telling them you don't want sex and don't plan on having it until you are married or in a relationship.

I don't know if you are asexual or not. If so, try telling them you don't ever plan on having it and see what happens. Don't be surprised or upset if she leaves you. That would tell you something. If she wanted to have kids, then she would ask you "What about when you want kids?" because I would ask the same thing if a guy told me he isn't into sex and doesn't want it because it's not his interest.
I'm religious but I still agree with evolution, the Bible isn't a science book, and if God created it, than how can it be false? Not all Christians beleive in the whole 'young earth' theory, mostly just fundamentlist protestent ones. There you go making sweeping statements about "some people are religious" like it's a bad thing. Besides, there are other theories besides Darwinian evolution. But none of this is really on topic, this is not a discussion of biology. Oh yeah, evolution never said we evolved from apes, merely that we have a common ancestor. Just beause apes are related does not mean that we were are apes, besides, its all speculation based on various theories. But like I said, off topic.
Last edited by Jacob12 on 26 Apr 2009, 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Well in a Darwin perspective I guess it would be survival of the fittest which thus would equate competition.
But I've never understood the need to compete for a partner.....probably because of my social clumsiness and having the inability to be aware of the rules in social hierarchy.
I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan
I'm not sure when your idea of how it 'used to be' existed. People didn't just spent 30-odd years dating dozens of people at once whittling them down bit by bit. You might date a few at once but then you pick one to be exclusive with.
I'd say morals are far looser now than they were in the old days.
What's the problem with dating one person and staying faithful anyway?