colbs49 wrote:
So I went to this party last Saturday night and when I drink I loosen up and become sociable(just like any one of us). I met this girl there and we chatted for several hours and we had a lot in common. I asked her out and she gave me her number and vice versa. After waiting Sunday I called today and left a message. I'm gonna call her again some time later or she might call me. I'm nervous as hell, any suggestions on how to chill out and chat with her?
You need a plan....
your vision is to? have a boyfriend/girlfiend relationship?
Call her tuesday... do not call the next day... it appears you're desperate and needy and/or clingy.... once you get that across, the red flags go up...
you called sunday?, call her tuesday.... get her to meet up somewhere again... but YOU decide where you both are going to meet up... they seem to like this in guys.. just dont be bossy or arrogant but rather like you're going to take care of her though....
call her up, be sure to talk about one or two things that you both talked about before... ask a question about something you both talked about, get her to interact and also this puts up big green flags... you're interested in her, but dont come off too clingy or needy... you know what you want, you stick to it....
call her up, say hello, how u doing, then go into a quesiton about something you both tlked about... rthen talk about a topic or 2.... then cut it off.. do not talk too long.... get her interested some more, but remember the call is not the end, but the means to get a second meet-up (date but dont call it that)... say something like, you got things to do but would like to meet up this weekend... This will be some more big green flags to her
because... she will see you as someone that is not clingy but has a life as well.... yorue a busy person with things to do... if she is interested in you (she is at the moment) she may miss out if she does not continue to hold your interest...
You want her to be interested in you to further the relationship.. .do not come off clingy, to not make the mistake of calling her a lot, if you call her, call her every other day...
also when you call her or she calls, do not answer her whenever she calls or when she leaves a message, do not call her back right away... call her that night, next day or so.... that will let her know that you have a life and are busy and that you are taking time from your life to spend time with her.. she will see this, bright as day.... and you will not appear clingy or needy...
Hope this helps