pokeapoke wrote:
Im not sure if you guys have experienced this, but sometimes when I try settling issues on my own through discussion the person im trying to settle the issue peacefully with gets sh***y on me, practically hands me crap on a silver platter, and it occasionally leads to a fight, I am currently in a self defense course, just in case worst goes to worst. Does anyone else experience this? If you know a way to settle things like this on thier own, please let me know, I dont want to keep going to authority for the rest of my life and I also dont want crap dealed to me on a silver platter. This disability sucks (><), I wish I was normal (><).
I cannot share any experience from my school years, as at that time I was socially disabled and I avoided interactions with my peers. When I went to work, I became part of the team and started interacting with people more. At the beginning I tried to settle "bilateral" issues by discussing them directly with involved people. I thought that they would prefer such an approach, rather than doing it through the boss. This thinking was as logical as it was naive. Exactly as you describe, people would get mad at me and I would accomplish nothing. (We never got into fighting, though
). So I started going over their heads and reporting all issues to my boss. This worked like a charm, and appeared to be a socially accepted way. Go figure! My coworkers were also going to the boss when they had an issue with me (much to my dismay). We coexisted peacefully this way for nearly 7 years. I wonder whether the "bilateral" approach was just the wrong one for any person to try, or whether my unique personality got in the way. (I am not sure if I have AS, but I am a misfit, no doubt.) I actually have no idea how my coworkers were solving issues among themselves.