Namiko wrote:
I wrote a long explanation (kind of a letter of some sorts) to one of my friends explaining everything.
That's how I told my family about both AS and my sexual orientation.
Sean wrote:
I'm not sure if my inability to persuade people to care that I most likely have AS is a good thing or a bad thing.
I guess that would depend on what you expect them to do about it. If you want them to treat you differently then it's a problem. If you want them to treat you normally then you're getting just what you wanted. If you're looking for confirmation then the doctor's opinion is worth more than all your friends put together.
Papillon wrote:
There is nothing like a show-and-tell for educating NT's about what it is to be Asperger-autistic.
Particularly those NTs who think they already know everything they need to know about it because they know another Aspie and have formed a stereotype based on that person.
Namiko wrote:
Usually, if people ask about my "unsocialness" (Is that even a word?), I just tell them I'm not the most social person around and they believe me. However, if someone asks me directly (ex. "Do you have AS?"), I probably wouldn't deny it, unless I really don't trust that person.
Heh. That's how most gay people who are in the closet deal with their "secret". At some point, however, it becomes difficult to remember who has asked and who hasn't. It's easier just to assume *everyone knows* and live your life in whatever way makes you comfortable. If people can't figure it out on their own they'll ask. Whether or not I trust them doesn't change the facts, and trying to lie about it only makes life more complicated and stressful. The thing I learned about sexuality is that when you tell people they will deal with the information the same way you do - if you are ashamed and secretive then they will treat you like someone who should be ashamed. If you mention it casually then for them it's no big deal unless they're bigots. If you celebrate your difference then they'll be happy for you (up to a point). When people tell me "you're strange" I answer "funny - that's exactly what my shrink said" and we all laugh about it. I can then talk freely about ADD or AS and they don't get so uncomfortable about it.
What would Flying Spaghetti Monster do?