It's funny, I posted my letter of warning and apology ( ... pic&t=7119 ) on another site, and this woman harassed me for apologizing for something I "can't help." I replied by saying if I didn't take/admit responsibility it would piss people off (rightly so, though i didn't say it there). She replied that at thirty-some-odd years, she had decided that if people didn't like her, so be it.
She also likes to post pictures of self-mutilation she's done, and she's probably more mentally ill than I am overall, even not factoring age in.
There are some worse things in life than trying to go peacefully through it when you can.
((Might I add that I'm not bashing self-mutilators but rather pointing out that her attitude hasn't helped a lot. I'm motivated to change and havn't cut for over a year, and want to get 'completely better" or damn close-to, rather than look my whole life for people who will tolerate me as a wreck. Sorry. I've been waiting to talk about that for awhile, she was really pissing me off and harassing me about something which I believe was totally right to do in every way- the apology part I mean.))
In summary: I would far, far rather be loved for who I'm not than hated for who I am, if I put effort into being someone loveable. I want my effort recognized.
Thagomizer wrote:
I've moved around too often in the course of my life to have too many friends. Some of them have faded away through lack of contact. There are others whom I could contact, but doing so would be so awkward now that there would be no point. I think I can count all my friends on one hand. Then, of course, there are online friends, most of whom I have not met. There are a few professors and old teachers who's opinions I still value. And then there's Serissa.
...who has moved
THIRTY TWO TIMES in her nineteen years. Anybody here have me beat? Plus I'm a basket case (see above link) and kind of bizarre even whe I'm in my own version of normal (I suspect my personality, even if mentally healthy, would still be weird- and no, I'm not counting AS as a mental illness in this sense), so, imagine the amount of friends
I had in high school. ((Teachers, sadly, do NOT count! And yes, I was one of THOSE annoying little budding type-A "kissasses.")) I can get off my first hand counting my friends now, which is a pretty cool thing to be able to do IMO.
Thagomizer wrote:
I fall beneath almost everyone's radar. My parents appearantlly still care for me for who I am and all that rot, but they annoy me because it's a relationship of obligation. I don't want parents. I just want friends.
I'm in a bizarre, unique situation where I'm pretty sure neither of my parents feel "obligated" to have very much to do with me. It's nervewracking when I piss them off but might actually be viewed in a pretty positive light.
Last edited by Serissa on 08 Nov 2005, 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.