Okay, to start with I voted yes.
I have had the problem where I would always be doing all the work in a friendship. People always tell me we'll catch up soon or that I should call them, but would never get in contact me, or would in something like a 5:1 ratio. However, I've had two exceptions.
First one is my current best friend, Andrew, who I've known since year 7, some 15 years ago. It took me a long time cultivating our friendship before he started contacting me as much as I do him. It was about 5 years ago when he went to Japan for a year. I'd been thinking, was it worth putting in the effort again when he got back? But then when he got back, I was probably the first person he came to see after his family, and he's been a great friend ever since. I think it was because being overseas for a year, he had time to reflect and realise how good a friend I'd been.
The second guy, Ben, I met in year 10, and we hit it off right away. This was really weird for me, it was an equal friendship from the start, and we were total opposites in many ways. He was interested in stuff like skating and roller-blading, while I'm into books and writing and computer games. But we both liked music and going to parties, and I suppose we connected there. Anyway, after about four years after I befriended him, he became really weird, did all these dodgy things to people we knew, and stopped being such a good friend. Eventually he moved away as well and we dropped out of contact... this was close to when Andrew went to Japan.
So, because of Andrew I don't exactly need a friend, but it would be nice to have one or two who had different interests in common with me to him. But it's no big deal.