Zonta wrote:
Just some possible explanations, can't know for sure:
- said or did too much for their own comfort level and needs to backoff to regroup
- is concerned they may have said or done something inappropriate and needs to backoff to regroup
- has things to do and just has less energy to engage on the same level as they were for a bit
- I like the one about trust being violated in some way, sounds right
I never violated my friend's confidentiality.
This is just something that happened without warning, for reasons unknown.
I don't have very many friends, and when one vanishes, it rips me up emotionally. And the few friends I have are all online. I am a Christian (Lutheran), leaning toward conservative/libertarian politically. Yet at my school, Christians are often looked down upon.
The last time I heard from my friend was over a month ago, and I sent her three e-mails, but they all went unanswered.