Polgara wrote:
Makes as much sense as if they said,"Be taller! Be more talented!" But they don't know that.
Yup. it's exactly like that. I am a totally confident person. Like most aspies are confident. But the way we carry ourselves makes it look like we are not confident. (DONT CARRY YOURSELF ANY DIFFERENTLY, act how you want and feel comfortable acting, not like an NT says to act). but then we begin to get bullied and that begins to break our self esteem.
I am completely comfortable with myself when i start a new school year and go into a class, but when an NT sees me from the outside, i may look like a timid insecure person. But really i just act like i feel, but to them i look insecure, in an aspies eyes i may look confident. but the fact is, is that aspies DONT pay attention, and also DONT care how another person carries themselves, because it has nothing to do with their personality or how they treat you. its obsolete and not important. but NTs seem to think so.
What i do is stay to myself, hang out with people who accept me the way i am, stay away from people who try to take an advantage of me or fight them, and i dont try to act like NTs and my parents want me to. Iknow the way i am is fine, even if i do walk slumped over sometimes, and look away when people talk to me. Its because i have asperger's, a condition that controls those quirks, but it doesnt mean im not confident. insecure people try to fit in, most aspies dont, but somehow we are still not confident. thats BULL, and ludacris.
the reason why people get scared and uncomfortable when we stand up for ourselves is because they werent expecting it, and they feel we should allow them to pick on us. also they get uncomfortable because they know that they were harrassing us, and that they were wrong for it, but didnt expect to get anything back.
read my post about a grown woman who phyiscally bullied me