Hmm. This is so awkward for me, because I hate to write about myself.
My name is Kelly, I'm 30 this year--but I definitely don't act my age. I'm in Dallas, Texas. It's a big city, but I have yet to meet any other Aspies here. It's getting a bit lonely. I'm married, he's NT. Have one child, NT with shadow traits.
Oh! Yeah, I forgot: I'm an Aspie, not formally diagnosed, but I'm definitely sure about it as I've read several books and I do fit all the criteria. I just sort of stumbled upon the reason for my increasingly unusual behavior (seems like the symptoms are getting worse as I get older) and I was actually quite depressed when the cause was discovered. I'm coming to terms with it slowly, but my husband & son have been very supportive. Nobody else in my family knows.
I really want to make friends here, that was the whole reason I signed up, so anyone can PM me here or contact me on any other site I've listed in my profile. Hm...stuff I like...
Right now my special interests include
Japan, LOST, sand, rocks, maps, languages, sci fi anything, books-any kind, writing, manga, anime, travel, all kinds of music, old movies, action & mystery movies, etsy, all kinds of crafting, beads, jewelry, basketball, facebook, gaming, bioshock,, I like all kinds of things, way too many to mention. I'm very good at memorizing obscure bits of useless trivia, numbers, formulas, etc. but though I am gifted I am a shameless underachiever (basically, I'm creative AND lazy).
I'm just going to throw out a blanket apology to everyone I've ever said anything to, and to everyone I haven't said anything to before I even say anything!