Tips on how to decrease social anxiety-- add your own!

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15 Dec 2008, 1:54 pm


Last edited by aspergian_mutant on 15 Dec 2008, 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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15 Dec 2008, 2:50 pm


Last edited by aspergian_mutant on 15 Dec 2008, 8:02 pm, edited 5 times in total.


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15 Dec 2008, 3:47 pm

Just a note on that "picture them naked" thing.... if you have a decent inagination that can be pretty horrifying, so be careful where you use it. I made that mistake on day at an old job, everybody standing around the time clock waiting to punch out.
About 25 hairy, dirty, ugly, mostly old and fat guys. Oh horrible thought.
Sure a few of them weren't so scary, but the overall effect.... ugh.

As for what I do, I can mentally squash the feeling. I learned years ago, it's kind of hard to describe. I'll let myself be nervous or whatever until it's time to go in, then suppress it.

That's all I've got that doesn't involve drugs or alcohol.


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15 Dec 2008, 7:05 pm

ephemerella wrote:
0_equals_true wrote:
Getting drunk doesn't alway work with me (i can become hypervigilant ), but it seems to work with some wine.

Red wine torques me up. Something in it is a vasocompressor, like coffee or nicotine. I heard a comedian once say his nightmare is his girlfriend having her period and drinking red wine.

I like white wine for relaxing. & a shot of good Kentucky Bourbon is always nice on a cold night (e.g. Maker's Mark).

Really red wine makes me drowsy. I have asked other people any they say it makes the drowsy too. White wine it depends how acid it is, it can make me feel on edge.

Weird thing is all stimulants either have little effect or make me drowsy. Dexedrine a drug used to treat narcolepsy makes me drowsy.


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15 Dec 2008, 7:39 pm

^^it's the melatonin that is stored in the skins of most grapes (not all varieties though). allegedly, it's levels can also get increased by certain vaccines used by the vineyard owners to protect the grape trees.

not a bug - a feature.


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15 Dec 2008, 7:52 pm

Cool as you can tell I am a night owl. I am going to try melatonin supplements. There red wine gives me confidence it might just work thanks. The drowsiness I get with stimulants isn't a nice drowsiness.

I am also getting q lumie:

@OP back on topic I'll post more about my experiences with social anxiety at some point.

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15 Dec 2008, 8:37 pm

Take a anti anxiety pill like Xanax

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15 Dec 2008, 11:26 pm

Taking my anti-anxiety/depression drug helped a lot.


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15 Dec 2008, 11:28 pm

dfgh wrote:
Take a anti anxiety pill like Xanax

Pills do nothing without therapy.
I just went to see a psychologist for a few months and I got better.
It could have also had something to do with the reason I developed social anxiety was taken away, but I still needed some help to stop having anxious thoughts every time I interacted with people.

Other things that helped: relaxing oils, B vitamins, EFT, and changing the way I think.

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31 Dec 2009, 2:40 pm

Focusing on service really helps.

Social anxiety is me thinking about myself too much. Service to others (being supportive, helpful or encouraging of others) is the opposite of me thinking about myself too much. Self forgetting (as one engages in service) causes us to forget to be anxious too.

It should be healthy service though, not helping people who are abusing you and not total self sacrifice (balance giving to others with a healthy selfishness).

Losing one self in service for a while can often reduce social anxiety for hours or even days afterwards, however.

So can losing oneself in doing something that one loves to do (as long as it's a healthy activity).

Any kind of (healthy) self-forgetting will reduce or eliminate social aniety.